söndag 19 juni 2011

Detta är en superbra rubrik

So, I found this thing on a certain web site, that we shouldn't mention by name. It's actually meant for the ask box on this site, but since I am ignored by my followers over there, I thought I'd post it here instead xD

1. How many girls and/or guys have you kissed
Ehhhm... Let's count them, shall we? Three......I think it is, anyway xD

2. If you were filthy rich (as in wiping your ass with $1000 bills rich) how many houses would you buy and where?
One in Paris, one in London, one somewhere on Côte d'Azur (that's Franska Rivieran)....probably one in Greece and one in Italy as well

3. What are you most afraid of?
Spiders and death. Two very similar phobias

4. If you could have one thing disappear from this earth, what would it be?
WAR! "Give peace a chance"

5. What would you rename the current country you live in?

6. If you had to wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A dress probably...a really good-looking one ^^

7. Think about the one guy/girl you thought “wow, why did I like that person? and tell me about them
That depends on how you interpret the word "like".. I've had friends that I don't understand why I was even nice to them ^^

8. Do you wish your first kiss was with someone else? And why.
Naah, can't complain actually

9. Tell me about your first friend
My first friend that I am still friends with is probably Sofie.. She is tiny, cute and very fun. She likes playing games and sit by her computer pretty often. Known her since I was like 1 or something.

10. Tell me about the last time you cried over someone
Over someone? A week ago.. Day after graduation, when Vince left Nässjö....that was sad :( No me gusta

11. If you could have one animal as a pet that is considered “illegal” which would it be?
A girafe! Or to please Sofi, a dugong xD

12. Describe a phase that you went through
Hmm.. Which one of my phases? I have so many.. Eight grade; all dress in pink and Paris Hilton was my big heroine xD

13. What are a few things on your bucket list
(Bucket list = a list of things to do before you die) Eehm.. Live abroad, speak perfect french, get a tattoo, hearing someone say that I've either saved or changed their lives.

14. Tell me about your girlfriend/boyfriend
Non-existent, thanks for asking

15. How many times a day do you think you go to the bathroom?
As many as I need to, duh!

16. If you could have prevented one disaster from history, which would it be?
World War II, I guess... Or Mark Chapman shooting John Lennon.. But probably WWII

17. 3 things you want to say to 3 different people. 1 nice, 1 mean, 1 confession
1. You are the reason I am the one I am today.
2. You are a bitch, I've trusted you for so long and now this..! I was there when no one else was, a thank you would be nice!
3. I've been madly in love with you for years and I just can't let you go.

18. Confess something
I am.......a....capricorn xD

19. Something that not a lot of people know about you
I believe that guardian angels exist and that they help us whenever they can tell that we need their help.

20. Think of the last person you stopped being friends with. What happened?
I don't even know who that is.. Let's say it is this person right here. First of all; I never even liked her. I only hang out with her because my friends liked her. Second; she was later on mean to some of those friends, and I don't like people that treat my friends with disrespect!

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